Monday, March 21, 2011


happy spring equinox! The tomatoes and peppers are up in their pots, happy and healthy but aching for the temperatures to warm. The salad mix and spinach have sprouted outside and the peas are showing their little selves along the fence. Popcorn is popping on the apricot trees- little white blossoms praying for no more freezes. The grocery store is again full of different languages and outdoor enthusiasts buying energy bars and bananas to fuel their first of the year forays out into the desert. The wild rhubarb is green and will soon flower and die. The wind is howling and the desert is thirsty. My back is getting stronger from digging and my dogs are getting thinner from shedding. yep, it's spring.


  1. I loved being one of those "outdoor enthusiasts" last weekend. We loved seeing you, Nick, the dogs, your place, and everything!

  2. Spring is great! I hear you! How fun to see all those things growing! Can't wait to visit!

  3. beautiful picture and words jessminda! can you come help my pepper tree make peppers?
